Audio Plant / LeMineur: new space in Antwerp
Audio Plant / LeMineur: new space in Antwerp
After the sad ending of the Audio Plant at the Leftbank of Antwerp, the house was destroyed after the owners found out it was used as a concert venue, Warre started a new space. This space is also a bit outside of the center, but it is bigger and very nice as well. Every Saturday you can have a meal for free (cooked with leftovers from restaurants and such) and afterwords you can enjoy concerts, poetry and other cultural events. There’s a big hall for concerts, a cafe a dining room and a kind of garden ideal for summers. It is open now for a month. The address of the new place is Emiel Lemineurstraat 33.
next pictures are a selection of past 4 weeks.
Karine Germaix at the opening night
Blaastaal (Bert Lezy) at the opening night
Vitalski en de living tornado’s at the opening night
Ifa Y Xango at the opening night
Unhappybirthday in concert (DE)
De Portables
TG Gondard
Ecoute La Merde
Rollin Roland Trio
Ancient Ocean
Panic Attack
Pak Yan Lau
Lionel Malric